Wednesday 13 October 2010

Seasons Greetings

Just back from holiday shopping and felt like posting something festive.


  1. Et tu, AktoMan?

    As much as I like Bruce, its way to early for this!


  2. I just tell it like it is, LegoMan. I have a photo somewhere of a whole supermarket shelfing column packet with Christmas stuff - taken in September!

    September! For the sake of the wee deid man!!!! Heck, if this is double-dip recession, we'll be having Christ's Mass at Easter next year!!

  3. yep - I saw Xmas sweeties in Thorntons in Sept. BTW am moving to Portsmouth. Got a job as Projects Officer for the Conan Doyle Collection. :) bye bye Aberdeen on the 7th Nov! YAHOO!

  4. for any ladies in your life buy some xmas pressies here
    usually i dislike the C word being mentioned before like mid nov but as am trying to get people to buy my stuff then hey it all goes outta the window
