Sunday, 10 February 2008

Wild Camping Fears Highlighted

Whilst carrying out indepth research about the fears expressed when Darren's Law comes into force dan souff, I find that the (Scottish) Sunday Post also had the same fears in 1992, over a decade before the Access Code legalised the position of wild camping.

Their article highlights the fear some people have of the irresponsible youth being tempted to camp and cause all sorts of mayhem, ruining the reputation of real wild campers.

Article: Wullie's no meant - tae be loiterin' within tent!


ePetition, leaving the weekend at 414 signatures.


The Suburban Bushwacker said...

I've recently started reading your blog, and signed the petition.
I've added you to my blog roll and done a post asking people to sign the petition too. I used the picture you've posted. hope this is OK

AktoMan said...

Sub', no trouble at all with that. The more the merrier on the petition. If it can burst out of the hiking scene into other outdoor users (eg bushcraft, fihing, etc), then it'll pick up speed.


paul martin said...

oh yes, fi fy fo and that other SNP stuff

Fiona-Jane Brown said...

Paul, grow up!

Or I'll set Alasdair Allan on you!
(SNP Western Isles MSP and my mate)

AktoMan said...

Pablo, there's no English-bashing going on here from me. Some English & Welsh folk are arguing that if wild camping (under the similar legal terms we enjoy here in Scotland) goes ahead down south, then the hills will be filled with hooligans damaging the outdoors.

Almost a NIMBY attitude. But someone else owns the "back yard". NITBY?