Tuesday 17 July 2007

European OutDoor

Friedrichshafen. They have a zeppelin museum. Nice.

Oh, and the annual outdoor gear show is happening there shortly.

Air pirates. Outdoor gear. Is there a link? I blame Studio Ghibli

Trail will be there (Gear blog), not sure if Chris Townsend is going. I don't have my copy of TGO here to check.


Anonymous said...

Yes I am going, along with Cameron and Judy Armstrong (TGO gear tester not alpine walker). Cameron will be posting blogs during the show on the TGO site. I'll do an overview on my site when I get back - sometime early next week.

Andy Howell said...

And Bob will be there Podcasting away!

AktoMan said...

Dear Santa,

I've been (mainly) a good boy this year, so when you're checking the list, can you please bring me one item of everything that Chris Townsend says is worth buying.

If not, well, I know where the reindeer are, and needless to say I know how to nobble them.

No, it's not a threat, more of a promise.

Yours expectantly,


Fiona-Jane Brown said...

Sprechen sie Deutsch? You'll need it if you go.

Oh, on the subject of Oriental films, the Samurai art collection at the Art Gallery here ain't bad, there's some very old story scrolls, and a brand new Magna advert for Louis Vitton, but it's really a modernisation of Alice in Wonderland. Go see when you come back fae Aktoland, it's good!

AktoMan said...

Hande hoch, Tommy. The only German I know comes from here. Useless in normal life. I must remember not to reply in English if spoken to in English when getting on to a German bus.

My failing memory, and fear of getting laughed at, and lack of time, puts me off learning another language. But it is mainly laziness :(