Monday, 16 April 2007

Back in the BigCiv

And back in civilisation... 1,136 spam messages filtered out - none will be read. No doubt there will be more in the emails that made it into my inbox. Hey ho, what a bunch of sad wasters that this planet holds. Hopefully their next life will have better prospects.


Two weeks to generate a standard response from the Post Office:

Dear Mr Macleod
Thank you for your email about the problems you are having with your mail.
May I firstly apologise for any inconvenience you have been caused.
Our priority is to provide a good quality service, but mistakes can happen.
The service that you have received is unacceptable.
If you could please supply us with the dates of these incidents or any
further incidents. This will help us to investigate the matter further.
With regards to claims being made we now require you to fill in our missing
mail form (p58 form), which you can pick up at your local Post Office our
download on website
I should explain that compensation claims for 'lost' items, need to be
supported by a certificate of posting. Without this I cannot pay any
compensation. I realise this reply may be disappointing, but this policy is
agreed with our regulator.
Thank you for taking the time to let us know about this problem, and I
apologise for any inconvenience we may have caused you.
I hope that you are satisfied with the action I have taken. If you still
have concerns, please get back in touch.
John Beggan
Customer Service Advisor

My alternative is to post flyers to the Post Office to inform them of who I am, where I live, and the "inconvenience" they have caused me so far in the last 6 months. It is a matter of personalising the issue, as the management seem to not care. But, hey, such is the poor excuse of a society we live in these days.


Michael Grant Clark said...

Welcome back to civilisation, grizzly Mcleod.