Saturday, 9 February 2008

The Adventure Show: West

Another good radio prog from the Adventure Show on Radio Scotland. I'll need to catch the first 15mins using the 'on demand' player. This week covered the western theatre of operations. Ardnamurchan et al. Ancient volcanic landscapes, golden eagles and pine martens, hailstones and kayaks. Great idea having Cameron McNeish giving a personalised interpretation of the weather forecast, down to "tea shops in Peebles". He almost gave the old "Hill Street Blues" ending for folk to "be carefull out there", but different words, same sentiment. 

Me? Having had yesterday off ill with a head full of clag, overly photosensitive, i spent the day in darkened rooms avoiding computer screens and caffeine. So i'll be off in to work as soon as it opens to clear as much of my essential paperwork and marking as i can get thru before closing time.