Thursday, 27 September 2007

BBC2 Alba Tonight

A couple of good programmes on the BBC2 Alba Gaelic strand.

Soitheach Nan Daoine

The first told the story of "The William" - a ship who's cargo was of men, women and children. Allegedly criminals from Skye, Harris and Barra, being sold into slavery in 1739. Before crossing the Atlantic to the cotton plantations of America, they were held in Northern Ireland, where some escaped and the authorities got involved. Turns out that the 'criminals' had never had a trial, and some had been dragged from their houses to the ship. The captives were released, some staying Ireland, others going home to Scotland.

Ealtainn - "Sad Day We Left the Croft"

Not a history programme, as it covered the release of a punk album from 1981. The arts programme tracked down the folk involved, traveling from Stornoway to Tong (just down the road from my parents') and London. Talking to people that I had been in the Nicky with, but probably a few years ahead of me. Coincidentally, the album is being re-released, and some of the tracks are available on via MySpace.