Tuesday, 23 October 2007

Loch Broom


Once across the Minch, and into safety of Loch Broom, the waves stop smashing against the first floor canteen windows. The sun starts picking out patterns on the sea and i gather my kit and head outside into the cold. My tribal buff worn beany-style, warm montane jacket and camera-bag slung tricorder-like below my green daysack. I involuntarilly start humming the Mickey Mouse Club tune from FMJ as the safety comes off the SLR and i start taking the shots that i have been mentally composing as i have been walking, moth-like to the sunlight.



sally in norfolk said...

I have a painting done by my aunt, its of An Teallagh south of little loch broom, painted in 1981

AktoMan said...

It is a cracker. 3 of us were debating if it was An Teallach or a different peak that we could see from the top of Ben Wyvis.