Monday, 12 March 2007

Rathad Iericho

If I haven't said it before, I'll say it here, "Scrubs" is a great TV series. I've never seen a programme do comedy and pathos so brilliantly. I can't think of a series that can slip into despair as well. Great writing, direction and acting. Tonight had the transplant episode. I won't spoil it by giving things away.


And then there was "Castaway". It lasted maybe 6 minutes. 4 of them was when I was in the kitchen catching some of it as the kettle boiled. 2 minutes of people voting on who was the laziest, and that had something to do with the issue of toilet rolls.


Discovered, Backpacker magazine editor, Steve Howe's, phone-reports on the Sierra High Route as he looks back on the day's hike. The first one I caught, about day 10, he had feasted on crisps and beer. My sort of hiker. Available through iTunes under "Backpacker Trail Tours".


Looked in to some things for the SUW, batted some ideas off Simon. Laminating some AktoCards and noting things to take on trip.


Sheila at work suggested I do the SUW as a charity trek. I wasn't going to as people already sponsored me on the WHW. Thoughts so far, and in order of my mangled thoughts:

Any other suggestions, or preferences folks?


Last of lucozade gone. Toddy and tabs to get a good night's sleep (hopefully), see what tomorrow brings.