Tuesday, 20 March 2007

SUW T-11

Snow came (yippeeee) and went (oh, now I have to walk home in Scarpas as they won't fit in briefcase). Definitely in a countdown to Easter mood. I can't help but think "in two weeks time how will I cope with this weather". So far the answer has always been - better than in my work suit and overcoat.


Got a call from Ian at Expedition Foods. He called to make sure the pemmican wasn't a wrong order as it's normally for colder climes. I explained my situation, and I'd have liked to have chatted for longer, but I was in a cupboard at work (doubles as a telephone booth) and had to nip off.


One of my colleagues at work remembers eating dehydrated baby food when inter-railing it round Europe in her younger days. May be a line of investigation.


Post Office delivered my wee mp3 player from eBuyer. So, in answer to the guy from Comet who said "if you can find a player with 1-2gig storage and and mp3 player for under 80 quid, let me know". Job done. With 60quid spare.


Card from the Post Office. I'll go and collect it. Either the multitool (still no sign), or the folding spork. If there is no sign of the multitool by the weekend, I'm reckoning on canceling the order and going with one from the shop. The eBayer can then take it up with the Post Office complaints at the loss of trade. It's not the first time the PO has screwed things up, and the lack of customer-centred ethos from their senior management stinks.


John Hee's been writing up his reports from The Outdoorzzz Showzzz at Walkabout in the UK.


Cameron's site is still dead due to bandwidth issues. Across on iTunes, no-one has written a review yet. I'm sure some blogger elsewhere will rectify that omission.


I'm off back to my secret project. That's not the same secret work project. Listening to the new TWiT podcast. I still reckon that there is a niche for a 'round table' outdoors podcast of a similar format. news roundup, and generally chewing the fat - something that Andy Howell was getting accidentally with his "interview the bloggers".

Interesting talks about conferences - "constructive rather than instructive". New tech to me: Talkshoe (live and recorded interactive podcasts).


Anonymous said...

Duncan, now you know that panel idea will never work. Us outdoors types are anti-social guys who hate people (there's a joke there somewhere by Bill Hicks).
But seriously I agree, there was even an attempt to do a book club podcast like that at one time (I think Andy has given up on that idea).
TWiT shows that it can work when people are in seperate locations, although I think my favourite is 1Up Yours or The Hotspot (but they are gaming ones with everyone in the same room).
So let me do what was done to me on the blogging column. Well volunteered Duncan I look forward to you doing this Outdoors Panel podcast ^__^

AktoMan said...

You're obviously a manager in the real world, WD!